Yosaif August
Family & Parenting
Yosaif August, is an award-winning healthcare innovator, social entrepreneur, encore careers life coach and author. He approaches serious topics with a sense of play and humor. He has had several encore careers since turning 50, when he left his role as President and CEO of London August, a business consulting firm, to chart the next chapter of his life. These have included award and patent-winning inventor of Bedscapes, advocate for healing environments in healthcare facilities, keynote speaker, NIH/Small Business Innovation Research-funded researcher, outcomes research consultant to Johns Hopkins, published author of two patient and family empowerment books (Help Me To Heal with Dr. Bernie Siegel and Coaching for Caregivers), songwriter, leader of men’s retreats and founder of Menschwork, a non-profit organization that promotes Jewish men’s personal and spiritual growth and engagement in the world.